
With the exception of  Oracle readings, most services begin with a consultation so I can accurately assess the situation. A consult (virtual or in person) is a $50 flat rate while the following services have rates dependent on the amount of time, energy, and resources needed to perform it.


 General House Clearing

Our homes take on a lot. Any and all feelings and experiences you have had leaves residual energy in your home that can continue to impact you even after the situation or feelings are resolved-and negative energy attracts negative spirits. All homes should be routinely cleansed to keep the atmosphere safe and relaxed!

$75/half hour

Life Lesson Oracle and Past Life Reading

Every soul comes into this life and body to make soul progress through life teachings. We all have one major theme or lesson that we are meant to work on so we can ascend to our highest selves; some lessons even last multiple lifetimes depending on our personal growth. What's yours? 

 $65/half hour


Spiritual Counseling

Do you need spiritual guidance, but don’t know where to start? I can help you on your journey, wherever you may be. From chakras, to energy work, to stepping in to your own powers and healing trauma, Let me teach you more about the metaphysical and what we can do to embrace it!

 $75/half hour

Mediumship and help "Crossing Over"

If you are concerned that a deceased loved one has not found their way, has a message for you, or is struggling to move on, I can help them cross over, assess why they may be struggling, and relay any messages from them.

$150/ half hour 


Spirit Banishment / Release

For the more extreme cases. Do you feel an upsetting or angry presence in your home? Any inexplicable phenomenon, such as sounds, movements, or irrational fear, needs to be dealt with immediately. This is also for people suffering from sleep paralysis and night terrors.


General Oracle Reading

Confused about your path in life? Have questions about relationships or your career? Having a creative block? Wondering where to start in unpacking your trauma? We can ask the cards about anything! Let’s start the conversation.

$55/half hour

Spiritual Counseling Introductory Package

Starting a spiritual journey on your own can be extremely daunting. Where do you even begin?? If you are dedicated to learning but don’t know where to start, this Spiritual Counseling Package may be a good fit for you!

this Course covers a total of six hours worth of mentorship where I curate a plan based on your personal experiences and circumstances. We will cover topics including chakra and energy work, life path alignment, Integration of the Self, past life trauma and more while you learn and hone the skills that will help guide you on your spiritual path.

The course is offered in two ways or a combination of both for a flexible schedule:

Six one hour sessions

Twelve half hour sessions

Spiritual Counseling Introductory Package: $775 (usually $900)