about Meghan

While I have always been fascinated with the mystical, I fell into my own abilities relatively by accident. I had heard of mediums who commune with the dead and shamans with connections to other realms, but always considered those spaces to be out of my reach. Even when I began tarot reading at 16 (a fun parlor trick during homeroom) I wasn't aware of the deeper implications.

It wasn't until I started meditating regularly as a coping mechanism that I began noticing a certain sensitivity. I began seeing auras and energies. My card readings became more than spookily accurate predictions and evolved into a different kind of channel. All types of beings began asking me for assistance- including the departed souls of loved ones. It never felt strange to me either; I always just wanted to help.

Once I was able to read energies and spaces, I noticed how truly overwhelming residual auras can be. Not only do they continue to affect the people around them, but they can attract malevolent entities that cause us harm without us even knowing.

It was at this time I began cleansing spaces, and quickly learned that some places already have an uninvited guest. In fact, my first banishment was in my own home facing off with a rather angry sleep paralysis entity. While the process was taxing, it brought with it a wonderful sense of relief and peace in it's aftermath- exactly what a home should feel like. I just want everyone to feel that sense of calm and safety in their homes and within themselves. We all deserve a safe space.